clergy assignments 2021

Duncanville- SELECT ONE - Deanery. Dominic Duc Nguyenhas been appointed Pastor of St. Paul Parish, Tarkio; Seven Dolors Parish, Hurlingen; and St. Benedict Mission, Burlington Junction. Jack Hopka Louis Farley was appointed Parochial Vicar of Christ the King Parish, Kansas City effective May 1, 2021. Rev. Alex Kreidler, JCLhas been appointed Pastor of St. Gabriel Parish, Kansas City. Ricardo Reyes Mata Robert Holtz, from administrator to pastor, St. Isidore the Farmer Parish inNew Egypt, effective May 1, 2021, Rev. Unless noted, the appointments are effective July 1. Father James H. King Deacon John A. Contino, from Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Lindenwold, to retired, effective June 30. Father Prasanna Mese as pastor of St. Paul Parish in San Antonio. Rev. Ennis- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Parochial Vicar(s): Very Rev. F. Agustn '04 Parochial Vicar - Parish of the Transfiguration, Wilmington . Plano- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Parochial Vicar(s): endobj Assignments include the pastors and parochial vicars for the Families of Parishes that were announced in December 2021. Pastor: Reverend Matthew Russick, TOR, from ministry outside the Diocese of Arlington to Parochial Vicar at Saint Joseph Parish in Herndon, effective July 1, 2021. Luke Turner, O.S.B. New priest assignments announced. Jacob Dankasa, Deacon(s): Andres Larraza 'https:' : 'http:') + '//' + cx; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); })(); Most Reverend Nelson J. Prez, Archbishop of Philadelphia, announces the following appointments effective as noted: Reverend Komlan D. Gnangba, F.M., to Parochial Vicar, Saint Joseph Parish, Coatesville, effective January 10, 2023, Reverend Mark A. Tobin, to Chaplain, Archbishop Wood High School, Warminster, while continuing as Parochial Vicar, Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish, North Wales, effective February 8, 2023. David Duss Sergio Carranza Bearer was transferred from parochial vicar, St. Francis de Sales Parish, Akron, to parochial vicar, St. Columbkille Parish, Parma, effective June 8. A $50 gift enables us to cover a news event in a local parish, school or Catholic institution. Parochial Vicar(s): Lee Davis Msgr. Rev. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Kulathumkal, Rev. Lancaster- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Deacon(s): John O'Leary Parochial Vicar(s): 2021-07-14-Pastoral-Assignment.pdf. Joseph Chirappurathu. Cristian Casado Carmona, Deacon(s): Bishop Johnston has granted the following requests for retirement effective June 30, 2021: Rev. follows: Richard Grant Msgr. 6/1/2021) MOREIRA, Rev. A $100 gift allows us to present award-winning photos of Catholic life in our neighborhoods. Rev. New Clergy Appointments for 2021. Ryan Hiaeshutter, Deacon(s): 2023 2023-03-Pray-for-Priests.pdf. IrvingNorth Central Deanery, Pastoral Administrator(s): Rev. ForneyEastern Deanery, Pastoral Administrator(s): The following official assignments have been made by Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS, effective July 1, 2021. Rev. Roberto Alvarez Rev. When you see a priest, think of our Lord Jesus Christ." . As published in the April 24, 2022 issue of Chicago Catholic. Rev. Joy Chacko, from parochial vicar, St. Gabriel Parish, Marlboro, toparochial vicar, Sacred Heart Parish, Bay Head, and St. Pio of Pietrelcina Parish, Lavallette, effective Feb. 16, 2021, Rev. Bishop Knestout Announces Clergy Assignments Effective July 5, 2021. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church (Search Submitted Forms) April 24, 2021. Charles Githinji, Deacon(s): Reverend Lee W. Gross from Dean of Students at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD to retired status with residence at the Saint Rose of Lima Priest Retirement Villa in Annandale, effective June 1, 2021. Katy Kiser Gene Kowalski May 3, 2021. . Rev. Rev. Archbishop Lori announces clergy appointments, including new pastors. Saint Patrick Parish, Larkspur. Father Jacob B. Bishop Dennis Sullivan announces priest personnel changes as follows: Father Joseph Rogliano is now pastor of Family of Parishes #21, which includes Blessed Trinity, SS. News / Official updated clergy assignments for 2021. April 2011 (2) 2021 Priest Assignments. % St. Jude Catholic Parish [Allen] (Search Submitted Forms) Sign up below to join our email list for the latest diocese news and updates. Grand Prairie- SELECT ONE - Deanery. Richardson. Al Ebach, CPPS is appointed Parochial Administrator of St. Francis Xavier Parish, St. Joseph effective June 5, 2021. Father Mark Q. Fedor, pastor, St. Mel Parish, Cleveland, . Jose Trevino, St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) follows: Parish Pastor. Basil the Great Parish, Brecksville, effective June 8. Parochial Vicar(s): Sacramental Guidelines for Infant Baptism (PDF), Directrices para el bautismo de los nios (PDF), Sacramental Guidelines for Confirmation (PDF). Joseph D. Reardon, LCDR, CHC, USNhas been appointed Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Harrisonville and Holy Trinity Mission, Urich. Rev. Bob Miller Henry Wiechman, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish [Lancaster] (Search Submitted Forms) Rev. Rev. The three-year term of office begins June 1 and concludes on May 31, 2024. CHARLOTTE Bishop Peter J. Jugis announces the following priests will transfer to new assignments, effective July 13, 2021, unless otherwise noted: Father Peter N. Ascik, from parochial vicar of St. Matthew Catholic Church in Charlotte, to pastor of St. Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church in Shelby and Christ the King Catholic Mission in . Father Kishore Bathula from administrator to pastor of Sacred Heart of Mary Church in Rocksprings, St. Raymond of Pennafort Mission in Leakey, and St. Mary Magdalen Mission in Camp Wood. John Carlisle Rev. Rev. David Banowsky McKinney, Deacon(s): Rev. Ronald Elliott will conclude his service as Parochial Administrator of the Church of the Santa Fe Parish, Buckner. QuinlanEastern Deanery, Pastoral Administrator(s): Rev. ROCKFORD, ILLMost Reverend David J. Malloy will ordain 17 men to the permanent diaconate for the Diocese of Rockford, Saturday, Sept. 24. DallasNortheast Deanery, Deacon(s): Mike Shaw, (Retired) Basil the Great Parish, Brecksville, to parochial vicar, St. Francis de Sales Parish, Akron, effective June 8. Jose Enrique Lopez Scott Johnson Father John D. Lac Pham, CPPS was appointed Parochial Administrator of St. Francis Xavier Parish, St. Joseph effective March 26, 2021, until June 4, 2021. 1972-1975 . Here's a list of all the new priest assignments for the Archdiocese of Denver, including pastor and parochial vicar reassignments, parish administrators and chaplains. CoppellNorth Central Deanery. Dallas- SELECT ONE - Deanery. James A. Curiel, OCD, St. Mary's Malankara Catholic Church (Search Submitted Forms) John Paul Kelly, Christ the King Knanaya Catholic Church (Search Submitted Forms) from Outside the Diocese to In Residence, Rev. Reverend Robert L. Ruskamp from Parochial Vicar at Saint Mary of Sorrows Parish in Fairfax to Parochial Vicar at Saint John Bosco Parish in Woodstock with responsibility for Our Lady of the Shenandoah Mission in Basye. Gary Thomas, director, Propaedeutic Year Program, St. Patrick's Seminary & University, Menlo Park. James Starr, University of Texas at Dallas Campus Ministry (not a parish) (Search Submitted Forms) Timothy C. Danek is appointed Pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Auburn, and St. Clara Parish in Peru. New assignments are announced for 25 priests; Fr. John Audino, Fr. Deacon James J. Armstrong, St. Bridget of Kildare Parish, Parma, was reelected to represent the diaconate community (2001-present) on the Clergy Personnel Board. Brian Amthorconcludes his assignment as Chaplain to the Newman Center at the University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg. Bishop Johnston has concluded the following assignments effective June 30, 2021: Rev. Mike Picard 2019. Robert Stonehas been appointed Pastor of St. Bernadette Parish, Kansas City. The assignment plan for the priests in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is complete. . Ruben Vargas, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish [Plano] (Search Submitted Forms) Michael Clary, Pastor, Holy Spirit Parish, Lees Summit, Rev. The three-year term of office begins June 1 and concludes on May 31, 2024. Le, OP from Parochial Vicar at Holy Martyrs of Vietnam Parish in Arlington to ministry outside the Diocese of Arlington, effective July 31, 2021. Reginald Joy Ballacillo, to parochial vicar, St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square, Rev. Rev. Address: 1404 East 9th Street, Cleveland, OH 44114. Father Daniel Walsh has retired as pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in Dunkirk on June 11. Priest Obituaries. Stephen Hansenwas reappointed Chaplain of the St. Raphael Guild of the Catholic Medical Association effective February 19, 2021. Pastors: Rev. Eduardo Barajas Prasad Antony, M.SS.CC. Clergy Assignments. Father Blayne Riley as parochial vicar of Sts. As a sacramental community, we are one with the Catholic Church throughout the world, while here at home we are united under our Diocesan Bishop, Bishop John O. Barres, to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ as one family of faith and to celebrate this life in our liturgy, sacraments, prayer and service. C ontinuing as Vicar for Clergy. Ernie Davis, Pastor, St. Margaret of Scotland Parish, Lees Summit. 2023. Paul Viramontes Antonio Liberman- Ormaza, Priest(s) in Residence: More than 50 Roman Catholic priests from the Diocese of Allentown will have new assignments this summer, the diocese announced Sunday. Jubilarians. Father Owczarczak has been serving as parochial vicar [], Bishop Michael W. Fisher has appointed three priests as administrators of diocesan parishes. McKinney, Parochial Vicar(s): Rev. Bishop Johnston has made the following clergy assignments effective July 1, 2021: Rev. Father Paul J. Rosing concludes his appointment as administrator, St. Andrew the Apostle Parish, Norton, effective June 1. Buckman, Rev. Reverend Nicholas F. Blank from Parochial Vicar at the Basilica of Saint Mary in Alexandria to Parochial Vicar at Saint John the Evangelist Parish in Warrenton. 1 0 obj Changes will go into effect July 1, 2021. Parochial Vicar(s): Manuel Sabando, Divine Mercy of Our Lord Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Joseph Powershas been appointed Pastor of St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Independence. Abraham Thomas, Epiphany Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) St. Cecilia Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Deacon Ficorilli is responsible for helping to manage the bishops schedule, ensures that the bishop is prepared for all events and meetings, accompanies the bishop, and on occasion, serves as the bishops master of ceremonies. Christ the King Knanaya Catholic Church (Search Submitted Forms) Farmers Branch. <> Official appointments. Juan Jorge Hernndez Dallas- SELECT ONE - Deanery, St. Luke Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Diocesan Assignments - February 4, 2022. Official updated clergy assignments for 2021. Father Rosing continues his appointment as pastor, Holy Family Parish, Stow. CommerceEastern Deanery, Pastoral Administrator(s): ASSIGNMENTS PASTORS Reverend Joshua A. Barrow, from Assistant Pastor, Our Lady of Mercy Parish, East Greenwich, to Pastor, St. Teresa of the Child Jesus Parish, Pawtucket, effective July 1, 2021 Reverend Stephen M. Battey, from Assistant Pastor, Our Lady of Mt. Reverend Peter Phuong Dinh Nguyen, OP from a priest in residence at the House of Rosary in Arlington to Parochial Vicar at Holy Martyrs of Vietnam Parish in Arlington, effective August 1, 2021. 1891-1924. Rev. Ken Steponaitis, St. Jude Chapel [Downtown Dallas] (Search Submitted Forms) NOVEMBER 2021. He retains his assignment at St. Michael the Archangel High School, Lee's Summit. Stephen Ingram, Priest(s) in Residence: Rev. Daryl Avery, St. Patrick Catholic Parish [Dallas] (Search Submitted Forms) Fr. Rev. Dallas- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Deacon(s): Will Schmid has been appointed Director of Spirituality Year for our seminary. Julio Francisco Gmez Rev. Pastoral Administrator(s): Reverend Mr. Philip D. Briggs to the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More in Arlington. Peter Raad Delfin Condori, IVE, St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Daniel Gowen, from pastor, Jesus, the Good Shepherd Parish, Beverly, to parochial vicar, Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Parish, Hamilton, effective April 5, 2021, Rev. Marco Antonio Cruz Rev. Cap. Pastor: appointed Delegate for Men Religious of the Diocese of Bashar Sitto, Mar Eliya Retreat Center Mass and Blessing, Chaldean Language and Taqsa Classes Fall 2022. 215-587-3500 Stephen Sansevere, from parochial vicar, St. James Parish, Pennington; St. George Parish, Titusville, and St. Alphonsus Parish, Hopewell, to pastor, Rev. DallasNorth Central Deanery, Pastoral Administrator(s): Javier Diaz, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) This includes three retirements, one priest assigned to advanced studies and three deacon assignments. Frisco- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Parochial Vicar(s): Anthony K.Chinnaiyan, HGN, has been appointed administrator of Our Lady of the Eucharist Parish in the Lincoln area. Eric Schneiderhas been appointed Pastor of St. Ann Parish, Plattsburg and St. Joseph Parish, Easton. Father John J. He is also appointed to teach at Lourdes Central in Nebraska City. Denison, St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) James Buckley, FSSP, Mother of Perpetual Help Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Msgr. Rev. Jacob Christy Parambukattil, St. Andrew Kim Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Dallas- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Pastoral Administrator(s): Rev. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as delegate for senior priests. Daniel Rendon, Santa Clara Of Assisi Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) IrvingNorth Central Deanery, Parochial Vicar(s): Augusto Al Gamalo, from parochial vicar, St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square, to parochial vicar, St. Benedict Parish, Holmdel, Rev. Patrick Lamers Marcus Chidozie, St. Joseph Catholic Parish [Richardson] (Search Submitted Forms) Rev. Clergy Assignments. follows: The diaconal assignment of Deacon Carl M. Toomey, St. Mary Magdalene Parish, Willowick, concluded and he was granted retirement status, effective July 1. . Franck Agbowai, C.J.M. PASTORS-- Father Jorge Campos as pastor of Our Lady of Grace Church; Our Lady of Sorrows Church; and St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles Church; all in San Antonio. Posted by Catholic News Agency. Father Paul Melgarejo as parochial vicar of St. Matthew Church in San Antonio. Deacon Obituaries. Bill Fobes Rev. David Rekieta, St. James Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Ravindranath Jose Talari was appointed Parochial Vicar of St. Peter and St. Therese Little Flower Parishes, Kansas City effective March 9, 2021. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish [Frisco], St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish [Lancaster], St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish [Whitesboro], St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Parish, St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish [Garland], St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish [Grand Prairie], St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish [McKinney], St. Thomas the Apostle Syro-Malabar Forane Catholic Church, University of Texas at Dallas Campus Ministry (not a parish)., 200 North Glebe Road, Arlington, Virginia 22203, Programs and Ministries within the Diocese of Arlington, Office of Canonical Affairs and the Tribunal, Office of Marriage, Family, and Respect Life, Meet our Seminarians, Priests and Religious, Native American, South American, Migrant and Hearing Impaired Ministries, Adoption, counseling and free medical care, The Foundation for the Catholic Diocese of Arlington. Bishop Zubik announces the following clergy appointments: SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT The Reverend Joseph M. Freedy from Administrator of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Bellevue; Sacred Heart Parish, Emsworth; and Saint John Neumann Parish, Franklin Park, effective Monday, June 7, 2021, to Assistant Director of Evangelization and Chaplain to the students of Oakland Catholic and Central . Clergy Abuse Information. Father Neil Walters concludes his appointment as full-time Catholic chaplain of the Cuyahoga County Jail and he was appointed administrator, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish, Lorain and St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Elyria, effective July 1. Reverend Rufino Corona, TOR from Parochial Vicar at Saint Joseph Parish in Herndon to ministry outside the Diocese of Arlington, effective June 30, 2021. Andrew Kleinehas been appointed Parochial Vicar of St. Thomas More Parish, Kansas City and Chaplain at St. Michael the Archangel High School, Lees Summit. 412-456-3020 %d bloggers . Joshua Whitfield, Parochial Vicar(s): Deacon Alexander Spenik, who was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Cleveland on May 15, was appointed parochial vicar, St. Mary Parish, Painesville, effective June 8. June 18, 2020. Allen- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Dallas- SELECT ONE - Deanery. 1875-1891. Ernesto Esqueda Sanchez, C.S. Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Victor Amole - June 30, 2021; His other assignments include Teller, a village of close to 200 people about 70 miles north of Nome; Kotzebue, a city of 3,200 located 33 . 2023-05-Pray-for-Priests.pdf. Please keep our priests and those they serve in prayer as these changes take place. Stephen Hansenhas been appointed Pastor of St. Mary Parish, St. Joseph. The new positions are designed to meet the needs of . (You can unsubscribe anytime), Priests take on new roles in city and suburbs, Clergy assignments see new pastors of parish families, Buffalo-born Oblate will spend some time back home, Bishop makes deacon assignments for new Families of Parishes, Bishop Fisher appoints two new parochial vicars, Bishop Fisher appointspermanent deacon as his clergy secretary, St. Martin de Porres Parish receives new administrator, Bishop Fisher appointments new administrators to Southern Tier parishes, Father Daniel Walsh retires from Holy Trinity, Father Owczarczak will now lead Dunkirk parish, Bishop to celebrate Mass for Lyndonville parishioners after fire destroys church, Bishop and diocese mourn fallen Buffalo firefighter. . Jack Hopkins Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, Religious + Consecrated Life Vocations for Women, Synod on Synodality Consultation & Synthesis Report, Church of the Incarnation at the University of Dallas (not a parish), Cistercian Monastery - Our Lady of Dallas Chapel (not a parish), Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish [Corsicana], Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish [Grand Prairie], Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Parish, Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos - St. Theresa Catholic Parish, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish [Plano], Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ Catholic Parish [Carrollton], SMU Catholic Campus Ministry (not a parish), St. Alphonsa Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, St. The Mass and Rite of Ordination will begin at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Peter 1243 N. Church St. A deacon is an ordained minister of the Catholic Church. This is in addition to his current role as parish administrator of Holy Apostles and St. James Parishes in Jamestown. Reverend Mr. John F. O'Farrell to Saint Timothy Parish in Chantilly. Christian Malewskiconcludes his assignment as Parochial Administrator at Seven Dolors Parish, Hurlingen. follows: Rev. Henry Erazo, St. Anthony Catholic Parish [Dallas] (Search Submitted Forms) Clergy Abuse Information en Espaol. Edward Kwoka, parochial vicar, Sacred Heart Parish, Trenton, and hospital ministry in Mercer County, effective Aug. 30, 2021, Rev. Pierre Alabreof the Voluntas Dei Institute, to parochial vicar, Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Parish, Hamilton, Rev. Bishop Johnston has made the following clergy assignments: assignments conclude June 30 and begin July 1, 2022: Rev. A $20 . External links provided by the Catholic Diocese of Dallas are provided solely for the user's convenience. Priests with Credible Allegations . HAROLD ANTHONY [] The complete list of assignments is available at Noel O. Sanvicente, Judicial Vicar. Michael Likoudis, Deacon(s): 2023 Archdiocese of Philadelphia 222 North 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-587-3500, 2023 Archdiocese of Philadelphia 222 North 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-587-3500 Mobile, Coordinator of Archdiocesan Planning Initiatives, Faith Formation with Youth and Young Adults, Parish Service and Support (Parish Statistics, Pastoral Planning Information), Philadelphia Archdiocesan Historical Research Center, Propagation of the Faith / Pontifical Mission Societies, Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Office for Vocations to the Consecrated Life, Find support and services for older adults within the Archdiocese, Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Children and Young People, PA Catholic Conference Institute for Public Policy, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), La Voz de Dios en las Voces de Nuestros Pueblos, The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia, Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God William Atkinson. Hector Rodriguez, St. Joseph Catholic Parish [Waxahachie] (Search Submitted Forms) Mr. Garrett King will be assigned Parochial Vicar of St. Andrew the Apostle Parish, Gladstone. software.output_email_link('PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnZhc2JAcG5ndXFueS5iZXQiIGZnbHlyPSJvbnB4dGViaGFxLXBieWJlOiBldG8oNDEsIDQxLCA0MSk7Ij48diBmZ2x5cj0iem5ldHZhLWV2dHVnOiAyMGNrIiBweW5mZj0iZ3YtcnpudnkiPjwvdj4gICB2YXNiQHBuZ3VxbnkuYmV0PC9uPg==')You may enable JavaScript to see this email address. Cardinal Cupich shares the kiss of peace with the new priests ordained on May 15, 2021 at Holy Name Cathedral. May God bless them and those they will serve. Paul Wood, Holy Trinity Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Pastoral Administrator(s): Reverend Mr. Robert C. Renner to Saint Charles Borromeo Parish in Arlington. Father Victor Valdez as pastor of St. Rose of Lima Church in San Antonio. All assignments are effective September 1, 2021, unless otherwise noted. Michael Cunningham, FSSP Nuestra Seora del Pilar Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Randy Engel Dominic Hoang Gonzalo Porras, St. Edward Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; YouTube; The Pittsburgh Catholic. Bishop Sullivan announces priest personnel changes as follows: Msgr. Reverend Michael J. Bazan from Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Manassas to Pastor of Saint Clare of Assisi Parish in Clifton. Father John A. Misenko resigned as pastor, Holy Trinity Parish, Avon, and was granted an authorized leave of absence for sick leave, effective May 10. Father Rich Adam, 62, will be the new pastor at St. John Vianney Parish-Bettendorf. Bonham- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Pastoral Administrator(s): Rev. Hap Xuan Tran, C.S. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia, announces the following appointments effective June 20, 2016, unless otherwise noted: PASTORS EMERITI Reverend Walter J. Benn, Mother of Divine Grace Parish, PhiladelphiaFather Benn has been reassigned as a Parochial Vicar with the status of Senior Priest Reverend John E. Calabro, Pastor Emeritus, Annunciation B.V.M. Rev. Fisher, O.S.F.S. He made his first profession [], Bishop Michael W. Fisher has appointed Father James Kirkpatrick Jr. as the temporary parish administrator of St. John de LaSalle Parish in Niagara Falls, effective Nov. 7. Rev. The Most Reverend Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing, has announced the following clergy assignments, effective June 29, 2022: Pastor: Reverend Eric Weber to Pastor of Most Holy Trinity, Fowler, in addition to continuing as Pastor of Saint Mary, Westphalia. Reverend Lino Rico Rostro from Parochial Vicar at Saint William of York Parish in Stafford to Parochial Vicar at Good Shepherd Parish in Alexandria. Plano- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ Catholic Parish [Carrollton] (Search Submitted Forms) Fr. Rev. Read more about these changes in the Arlington Catholic Herald. Official Archdiocese of Washington Directory. He also retains his other assignments, including Pastor at St. Rose of Lima Savannah and St. Patrick Mission, Forest City. Father Agbadugo is a priest of the Diocese of Ekwulobia in the Anambra State . Father John C. Retar concludes his appointment as pastor, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish, Lorain and St. Vincent de Paul, Elyria. All but one of the assignments will become effective on Monday, June 28, 2021. Clergy Appointments Effective July 1, 2021 The Most Reverend David P. Talley, M.S.W., J.C.D., met with the Clergy Personnel Board throughout the year to outline the needs for 2021 priest assignments. Alphonsus Bernard - July 1, 2021 Blessed Trinity Parish, Toronto; Rev. As of that same date Bishop Fisher has accepted Father Roglianos resignation as pastor of St. Mark and St. Rose of Lima [], Bishop Michael W. Fisher has made the following appointments. 1945-1957. Antonio Hernandez, Deacon(s): IrvingNorth Central Deanery, Cistercian Monastery - Our Lady of Dallas Chapel (not a parish) (Search Submitted Forms) Father Vives was ordained on June 5, 2021. Clergy Assignments, Features. May 16, 2022. Additional Materials. Sherman- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Deacon(s): Father John E. Manning, delegate for senior priests, was appointed administrator, Holy Trinity Parish, Avon, effective May 10. Official clergy assignments for 2021. Paul Powers, (Retired) Father Edward Gonzales as parochial vicar of Holy Trinity Church in Stone Oak. Father Timothy Koester is serving as the []. Rev. RichardsonNorth Central Deanery, Pastoral Administrator(s): Thomas, Pastor, St. Mary Parish in Franklin and Christ the King Parish in Scottsville. Bishop announces clergy assignments, retirements Home . Rev. He concludes his appointment as Administrator of St. Bernard Parish, Appleton, effective June 30. Father James T. Dever, OSFS from pastor, Christ the King, Bishop Dennis Sullivan announces the following deacon changes: These changes will take effect June 21, 2021. David Tompsett, Sacred Heart Catholic Parish [Rowlett] (Search Submitted Forms) Rev. Federico Marquez, St. Augustine Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Director of Communications Click here for the Clergy Official. Elmer Herrera-Guzmn, Holy Family Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) Chris Knight This appointment was effective Sept. 1. Doug Breckenridge The Most Rev. Reverend Daniel N. Gee from Pastor of Saint Rita Parish in Alexandria to Pastor of Saint John the Baptist Parish in Front Royal. ATLANTAArchbishop Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM Conv., is pleased to convey the following official announcements regarding priestly ministry in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. as administrator of Our Lady of Grace Church in La Coste (until Dec. 31, 2021, in addition to his assignment as pastor of St. Louis Church in Castroville and archdiocesan vicar . Father Carlos Velazquez as rector of San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio. Father Ian Robbins as administrator of St. Andrew Parish in Pleasanton. The Clergy Official lists changes to priests' and deacons' assignments in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Aug 16, 2021 | Assignments. 2022. On Priestly Assignments. Kenneth Nee, St. John the Evangelist (1953-61) Adam Joseph Pfundstein, St. John the Evangelist (1941-48) Donald Shane, Sacred Heart (1966-69) Augustine Sheehan, St. John the Baptist (1966-70) John . Luis Feliciano Hill, effective Feb. 5. Active Deacons. Irving, St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic Parish (Search Submitted Forms) He was appointed pastor, St. Vitus Parish, Cleveland, effect July 1. Dallas- SELECT ONE - Deanery. Archdiocese of Detroit. Rev. Jovita Okoli, Parochial Vicar(s): Plano- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Parochial Vicar(s): Most Reverend Nelson J. Prez, Archbishop of Philadelphia, announces the following appointments effective as noted: . Vince Vaillancourt Rev. Al Evans Deceased Deacons. Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting English & Espaol. 2020. John Boyle Letter to the Faithful from Archbishop Coakley in Vietnamese (PDF) Myths About Clergy Abuse. Dennis Duffin June 18, 2020, WORCESTER, MA -- Bishop Robert McManus of the Diocese of Worcester has announced the following clergy assignments which will be effective July 1. Jet Garcia, Parochial Vicar(s): Father Bernard Nowak has been given the additional responsibility as canonical administrator of St. Joseph Regional School in Batavia, effective Feb.1. Deacon Ralph McNeal was appointed to Coronation of Our . Wasilewski from Parochial Vicar, Saint Peter, Merchantville to Medical Dallas- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Pastoral Administrator(s): Joe Lee Wylie- SELECT ONE - Deanery, Parochial Vicar(s): Reverend Mr. Daniel A. from In Residence, Villa Pieta, Linwood to Outside the Diocese, Jorge Bedoya, from parochial vicar, St. Joan of Arc Parish, Marlton, to administrator, Jesus, the Good Shepherd Parish, Beverly. Reverend Edward J. Bresnahan from Parochial Vicar at Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish in Clifton to Parochial Vicar at Nativity Parish in Burke.

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