baby danvers fanfiction

Warning : violence, gun, blood, sexuality. Emmas worried eyes focus on Alexs. Kara's super super (pun intended) strong x-ray vision reveals something very exciting. The living room she was looking at was swept empty; small personal things of you that always flew around here, pictures with you together that were on the dressers were gone. And, since youre clearly incapable of handling a lone Dominator when weve handled a mass of them, youll be nice enough to wait your turn.. You still have a lot of work to do, you need more coffee if you want to keep working. I just wanted you to know that.. United States Army. One of these dorks will have to make the first shot. But we all need to be honest with each other too. Alex hesitates and focuses back on her baby sister. We were monitoring every security camera by major attractions.. However it was a trap, your team leader ended up putting everyone in harms way which resulted in multiple injuries. From where Im standing it makes it look like youve chosen Lena over Emma!. Robyn frowns at this sign of weakness being shown by the CEO. He didnt even want to mind read what she was dealing with. Alex stumbles around the bed and makes her presence known by clearing her throat. Do you have something else to say? He nods, giving her permission to voice the seething thoughts in her mind. Despite what she did, we forgave her.. You nodded and she hugged you hard. Director. Agent Reiff nods at Alex who approaches quickly. And do you know what she communicated to me when I asked how she was? Doctor visits, hospitalizations, administration of painkillers..". I guess it is. Eliza smiles and they continue looking through the photos. See you soon.. But it all comes crumbling down when Kara wraps you up in her arms, picking you up from where you are, and moving to the couch with you. Agent Reiff nods and Alex hands back the tablet. Your anger, Alex said with a cocky smile as she stepped forth. I can say with a high certainty that you will be gone again in the next few months.". Kara and Alex both kiss the top of your head sweetly, and you are sure youll never be alone having them by your side. When Alex Danvers adopts a 17 year old alien girl named Imilli, she is thrilled to finally have a kid. Then we searched through footage around London, trying to find a hint of you. Alex explains, her eyes shining with tears. But the more time passed, the more you managed to put the pain behind you with the help of your family and found the strength to close this chapter in your life. Its a loss, and its a pain, only people who have deeply loved and lost their pets will understand. See a recent post on Tumblr from @redhoodssweetheart about baby danvers fanfiction. Emma flinches and frowns slightly at the monstrous voice that plays out in her mind and she remembers her dream from this morning. Emma settles back and closes her eyes while she strokes Lilys fur. But we have to earn time, once i press de downloads button hell probably kill us both.. Or did she not want to be close because a beautiful woman was in her face. Its up to you, to prove to me that i musnt kill you here and now., Please, dont kill her Lena begged him. Shes supergirls sister ! How bout we take Lily for a walk? He offers and Emma barely nods. Y/N trembled at the sight, as she was never too good seeing her own injuries. Emma is listening to Winn, Kara, Lena and Brainy debate something sciency, but she cannot keep up with their discussion. Do I have to? Her mind asks apprehensively. Youre under arrest Charles Hoopers. You took a bite of the food and was extremely surprised at the taste. Words faltering and nothing makes sense in your mind anymore. referencedrape. Robyn decides to do the same, figuring out she wont be able to get back to sleep anyway. What the fuck is wrong with me? A gentle knock on the door makes them look over and Jonn quietly enters. She pauses at the sight of the opened suitcase on the floor full of empty bottles and Kara firmly holding onto Alex. I just need the luthor here, but if i can keep you alive, youre my bonus if youre useful as youre seems. You turned your head to see a man in a black suit at the door. They only had that one conversation on the Fortress of Solitude, then everything went to shit in some many ways. Alone without saying goodbye. Normally Kara and the others had an all out war but with the youngest Danvers present they decided this year would be different. A moan escapes her lips from the velvety taste, making Lena smile and chuckle. Astra Luthor-Danvers, Jamie and Liz Sawyer-Danvers, have an adventure of their lifetime. Believe me I wanted to catch the next flight to London, but I knew Emma needed time and I wanted her to come back on her own.. Its growling with impatience., Yeah, sure. Kara ignores you, making her way inside to where Alex is. The same grotesque monster that demolished National City. It made finding time for herself difficult for most of her life, and she had two specific people to blame for that. Its late and its Sunday. Making Lily immediately place her head on her lap and snuggles in. Lena shakes her head and starts to sob again, despite trying to hold them in. One you dont want anyone to know or worry about. As if she never lived here. Youre on your way to the kitchen counter when you hear the doorbell. Why did he kidnap you ? you askedCant he find somone else to do this job ?, No. Shes here. Lena calls and the trio freeze. Fucking idiots!. Must have been hard for you. Robyn says softly, remembering the story Emma told her of her father. Panicked, the redhead ran through every single room of the apartment to find a clue about where you were and what had led you to just vanish. Baby Danvers (the third and younger Danvers sister) is having a very bad day and things get even worse when she walks into her sister in a very compromising situation. Have agents continue to monitor and patrol the area. Its a simple word. But you need to understand how deeply I still feel for her, despite what she did. Im going to sue your company if they send you on another business trip soon., I know, right? You come closer, ready to walk into her open and welcoming arms. Seriously, Im really busy. You make your way to them, crossing your arms and hardening your features. Unsure where the line was and if they were taking sides but Robyn gives her a scathing look before she can explain that. Would anyone like a drink before we start? Eliza offers, noticing Emma didnt have one. I have an important meeting coming up.". So is it good. Kara asked. Robyn nods and Emma sniffs heavily. When Alex is forced to come into work on her day off Has anyone ever told you your anger is disproportionate to your size?, No one has been stupid enough to say it to my face until now, that is., Crack fic below the cut ;) Here you go Sweetheart., Emma takes it and signs her thanks before taking a few sips. You liked her skin against yours. The room holds their breath, waiting for Emmas answer. I can see now its developed into a problem and Im sorry. Alex shook her head, picked up her coffee and brought it to her lips. I dont know how you all maintain this facility and Im sure as hell not looking forward to being here because of how sloppy you all seem to be, but I have orders and Im bound to them. I havent even finished my coffee, she emphasized as she raised her near full mug to his face. She kisses the crown of your head. Alex, I understand its your day off, but you do realize that as a senior agent, when shit hits the fan, youre up, right?. Did I mean them? Emma tilts her head, finishing Karas sentence for her. They mostly walked in silence, enjoying each others company but they had also discussed how yesterday had gone and how they were both feeling. Oh, yes, please. Kara steps aside and the agent enters. But it says here it hasnt been sighted in days. Am. Was I? A soft gasp that was caught before it turned into a big one escaped Karas lips, and Y/N looked down to take in the sight her sister was eyeing: a large, uneven circle of red that was blistering and peeling, dabbed with blood. She walked towards it, took the red envelope in her hands and moved towards the couch where she sat on the armrest. Shaking her head Alex marches out of the room and up the stairs. He seemed to have the same though because he asked. ", "Calm down, Luthor. Whats going on? Lucy asks as she looks between the two. You hang your backpack on the coat hanger, you walk to the kitchen to see your mom cooking something. Warning: Eating disorder! However strange and hurtful it was to share a home with someone hell-bent on ignoring her, Kara was slowly getting used to her new reality. All is fair in love and war, and when we play Uno we are no longer sisters for the duration. 'How did she know.' Yes she was Supergirl but as far as you knew she couldnt read mind. And right now, its recorded as a single fugitive. At that moment I was angry, hurt, upset and I needed to express it. Feel free to participate and upload your work surrounding these dorks. I just hate myself. He was masked you couldnt see his face, but his voice was clearly threatening. No! We really just want to understand whats going on, baby. Immediately Sam pulls her into a hug. Im still hurting, she adds, with sadness and somewhat anger. You were tired of sitting on the shoulders of your sisters, they had enough to handle and create in their lives than to babysit you so you decided to put an end to it and leave. "So often, she had doubted herself as a daughter, was sure she would have been the one who made you disappear because she gave you a hard time as a teenager. I love you too Lena. She admired Alexs ballsy-ness. Stop doubting my cooking skills and eat. It would be good PR, the excuse isnt lousy or ridiculous. Great. You reek of it., Okay, maybe she admitted to being victim to it before, but she didnt think she was that obvious. Of course, thats what Alex said, but, internally, she had to admit she was flustered. How happy she was to have been included and to have won her first year at that. She looks timedly over at Alex, who seems to be silently communicating with her. (Taglists are at the end of the fic), MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2 | Main Masterlist. "What? The woman then gave Alex an uncaring smile and turned towards Jonn. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Shit. Alex mutters. Eliza quickly gets a glass of cool water for her daughter. Damn it. Miss Luthor i think you will be more cooperative now you saw what im capable of. But there was a part of me that felt disappointment. Jeremy, Elle, and Kara. the black haired finally threw into the room with an even deeper voice and glared daggers at Jeremiah; the light color of her eyes turning into a deep dark green. They wait patiently for your time, for your truth. 22.1K 877 35. We are trying to help her, not shame her or cause more friction., Sam steps forward and tenderly moves Alexs hair out of her eyes. They may want me because im a Luthor. Ill see you soon, ok?. i know i have prompts to write but i was in the mood to bring this back. I ordered your favorite. You look at the food on her hands. Running into their past parents and past demons. Robyn continues to flick through and comes to the photo showing Emma and Lena beaming at the camera. Youre safe. Robyn repeats over and over as she tries to soothe the agitated blonde. I get that. Since then, the Kryptonian had insisted on carving pumpkins each October. The family still recalled fondly how baffled she had been, watching Alex and young Y/N get to work with removing the pumpkins insides (which Y/N calledpumpkin guts and the nickname stuck for its cuteness). You found it difficult to say and talk about it but it was the truth after all. baby danvers Caught having Sex Sex Swearing Baby Danvers (the third and younger Danvers sister) is having a very bad day and things get even worse when she walks into her sister in a very compromising situation. Kara told her that it started as soon as she thought about Mon-el and having kids of her own. Emma scrunches up her eyes and feels Lily nuzzling her nose into her cheek, sensing her distress. But by the way you cowered earlier, she said as she stepped forward, regaining the edge. A Luthor always know how to fight. She responded proudly and you were so amazed by her confident. Seconds passed and you remembered : You were with Lena at her office, she almost kissed you and then . Put your hands up and dont move ! screamed one of the men. Because lunch involves eating, and you, well, youre not particularly fond of eating. The conversation lulled after that, all of them listening to the radio and just enjoying a moment to relax before they got home. Alex: Y/N do you mind letting your sisters know that you are ok? Right now, you wish you had Karas powers so you can fake an emergency and just fly out the window. We can always go for a bit and come home.. Im not going to say it twice., I know youre not. Because based on the smug grin now plastered on this womans face, she knew she lost the fight. Hope, please. Alex snaps and hears the whirl of the locks. However they werent there as she had forgotten she hadnt put them on today, so she ran them through her hair. Do you have those photos of Em as a baby?, Of course! Eliza chuckles and finds Emmas photo book. #should i tag the people who were following this ficlet. Super strength? Brainy asks and Alex nods. You are perfect the way you are. Emma sniffs and her sisters pull her into another hug before they start heading back to the group. There was a kind of sarcastic awe in her voice.

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baby danvers fanfiction